The assets
table contains information about assets: price, market cap, liquidity, metadata and more.
Field Name | Type | Description |
id | Int! | The unique identifier of the cryptocurrency. |
is_stablecoin | Boolean! | Indicates if the cryptocurrency is a stablecoin. |
liquidity_change_24h_percent | float8! | The percentage change in liquidity over the last 24 hours. |
liquidity_usd | float8! | The current liquidity in USD. |
listed_at | timestamp | The date when the cryptocurrency was listed on an exchange. |
listing_amount | bigint | The amount of cryptocurrency during its initial listing. |
listing_hash | String | The hash of the transaction during the initial listing. |
listing_type | String | The type of listing (e.g., ICO, IEO, etc.). |
logo | String | The URL of the cryptocurrency’s logo. |
market_cap_change_24h_percent | float8! | The percentage change in market capitalization over the last 24 hours. |
market_cap_diluted_usd | float8! | The diluted market capitalization in USD (considering all potentially issued tokens). |
market_cap_usd | float8! | The current market capitalization in USD. |
max_supply | float8 | The maximum supply of the cryptocurrency. |
name | String! | The name of the cryptocurrency. |
native_chain_id | String | The native chain ID of the cryptocurrency. |
off_chain_volume_change_24h_percent | float8! | The percentage change in off-chain volume over the last 24 hours. |
off_chain_volume_usd | float8! | The off-chain volume in USD. |
price_change_1h_percent | float8! | The percentage change in price over the last hour. |
price_change_1m_percent | float8! | The percentage change in price over the last month. |
price_change_1y_percent | float8! | The percentage change in price over the last year. |
price_change_24h_percent | float8! | The percentage change in price over the last 24 hours. |
price_change_3m_percent | float8! | The percentage change in price over the last three months. |
price_change_3y_percent | float8! | The percentage change in price over the last three years. |
price_change_6m_percent | float8! | The percentage change in price over the last six months. |
price_change_7d_percent | float8! | The percentage change in price over the last seven days. |
price_change_ytd_percent | float8! | The percentage change in price year-to-date. |
price_usd | float8! | The current price of the cryptocurrency in USD. |
protocol_id | Int! | The ID of the protocol associated with the cryptocurrency. |
rank | Int! | The rank of the cryptocurrency in terms of market capitalization or other metrics. |
symbol | String! | The symbol of the cryptocurrency (e.g., BTC for Bitcoin). |
tokens | Array | An array relationship that contains the tokens associated with the cryptocurrency. |
total_supply | float8! | The total supply of the cryptocurrency. |
total_volume_change_24h_percent | float8! | The percentage change in total volume over the last 24 hours. |
total_volume_usd | float8! | The total volume in USD. |
volume_24h_usd | float8! | The volume over the last 24 hours in USD. |
volume_7d_usd | float8! | The volume over the last seven days in USD. |
volume_change_24h_percent | float8! | The percentage change in volume over the last 24 hours. |