Mobula API provides a convenient way to access wallet balances and asset distributions for EVM-compatible wallets. This guide details the steps to query wallet holdings.

What you’ll need

  1. Basic knowledge of RESTful APIs and JavaScript.
  2. An EVM-compatible wallet address.
  3. Optional: Preferences for specific blockchains, cache settings, and stale data handling.



Prepare Your Query

Decide on the wallet address to query. You can also specify blockchains, cache options, and staleness parameters according to your needs.


Execute the API Call

Make the API call using cURL, Axios, or the Mobula SDK (Beta):

Using cURL:

curl --location --request GET ''

Using Axios:

import axios from "axios";
.then(response => console.log(
.catch(error => console.log(error));

Using Mobula SDK (Beta):

import { Mobula } from "mobula-sdk";
const mobula = new Mobula("YOUR_API_KEY_HERE");
  wallet: "0x77A89C51f106D6cD547542a3A83FE73cB4459135",
  blockchains: "BLOCKCHAIN_NAMES", // Optional
  cache: true,                     // Optional
  stale: 300                        // Optional
.then(response => console.log(response))
.catch(error => console.log(error));

Review the Response

The API will return a comprehensive response including the wallet balance, individual asset details, and blockchain information.

"data": {
    "total_wallet_balance": 241.03441553241606,
    "wallet": "0x77A89C51f106D6cD547542a3A83FE73cB4459135",
    "assets": [
        "asset": {
        "name": "StaySAFU",
        "symbol": "SAFU",
        "id": 3,
        "contracts": ["0x890cc7d14948478c98a6cd7f511e1f7f7f99f397"],
        "logo": ""
        "price": 2.5182506506214875,
        "estimated_balance": 0.19400291001132328,
        "token_balance": 0.077038761,
        "cross_chain_balances": {
        "BNB Smart Chain (BEP20)": {
            "address": "0x890cc7d14948478c98a6cd7f511e1f7f7f99f397",
            "balance": 0.077038761,
            "balanceRaw": "77038761",
            "chainId": 56
        "asset": {
        "name": "Mobula",
        "symbol": "MOBL",
        "id": 222,
        "contracts": [
        "logo": ""
        "price": 0,
        "estimated_balance": 0,
        "token_balance": 7254.324894349606,
        "cross_chain_balances": {
        "BNB Smart Chain (BEP20)": {
            "address": "0x33b3a50c766dd3e61b1e90b251390e7c28aefb7c",
            "balance": 193,
            "balanceRaw": "193000000000000000000",
            "chainId": 56
        "Polygon": {
            "address": "0x5fef39b578deeefa4485a7e5944c7691677d5dd4",
            "balance": 7061.324894349606,
            "balanceRaw": "7.061324894349606e+21",
            "chainId": 137
    // ... other assets ...

Extending Your Insights

With the retrieved data, you can:

  • Analyze Asset Allocation: Gain insights into how assets are distributed across different blockchains.
  • Monitor Portfolio Performance: Track the total wallet balance and individual asset trends.
  • Develop Financial Applications: Integrate this data into financial management tools or investment analysis platforms.

Need Assistance?

Our support team is ready to help you with any questions or integration challenges.