This endpoint is only available to Growth and Enterprise plans.

Endpoint details

  • URL: wss://
  • Message (string):
  "type": "pair",
  "authorization": "YOUR-API-KEY",
  "payload": {
    "blockchain": "1",
    "filters": {
      "amount_usd": {
        "operator": ">=",
        "value": 1


  • blockchain: the blockchain of the pair (blockchain ID or name)
  • filters: the filters to apply to the trades, including:
    • amount_usd: the amount in USD
    • pair: the pair of the trade

Data model

Data reponses includes:

  • Trades updates:
      blockchain: string,
      date: number // timestamp MS,
      hash: string,
      token_amount: number,
      token_amount_usd: number,
      token_price: number,
      token_price_vs: number,
      type: 'buy' | 'sell',